Sonar is used to measure:

(A) Speed of sound
(B) Speed of light
(C) Depth OF water
(D) None of these

Answer: (C) Depth OF water
Sonar is used to measure depth of water. It is an underwater sound-detection technology developed by American Engineers during 1930s.

Conversion of oil into ghee is called:

(A) Oxidation
(B) Crystallisation
(C) Evaporation
(D) Hydrogenation

Answer: (D) Hydrogenation
Conversion of oil into ghee is called Hydrogenation. Oil is reacted with hydrogen gas at 60°C.

Study of Universe is called:

(A) Cosmology
(B) Cartography
(C) Ecology
(D) Astronomy

Answer: (A) Cosmology
Study of Universe is called Cosmology. It is the branch of Astronomy and concerned with the origin and evolution of the universe.

India revoked article 370 on:

(A) March 4 , 2019
(B) May 5, 2019
(C) August 5, 2019
(D) September 10, 2019

Answer: (C) August 5, 2019
India revoked article 370 on August 5, 2019. Indian government revoked the special status granted under Indian constitution to Jammu Kashmir.

The other name of Masjid-e- Quba is:

(A) Masjid Taqwa
(B) Masjid Bilal
(C) Masjid Nimra
(D) Masjid Ibrahim

Answer: (A) Masjid Taqwa
The other name of Masjid-e- Quba is Masjid Taqwa. Masjid-e- quba is very first Mosque of Islam founded by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).