By Sorcery we mean:

(A) General practice to cure sick
(B) The use of magic
(C) Use of money
(D) None of these

Answer: (B) The use of magic

Double descent refers to:

(A) Maternal descent
(B) Father’s lineage|
(C) The existence of paternal and maternal descent system withen the same culture
(D) None of these

Answer: (C) The existence of paternal and maternal descent system withen the same culture.

what is Socialization?

(A) Building up of norms and values in the personality by groups
(B) Instinctive process
(C) Personal social learning
(D) None of these

Answer: (A) Building up of norms and values in the personality by groups
Socialization is building up of norms and values in the personality by groups.