Page-7 Inspector Customs/ Intelligence Officer Solved Past Papers by FPSC

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Q. SAARC was founded in:

(a) Dhaka
(b) Thimpu
(c) Lahore
(d) Delhi

Answer:(a) Dhaka
SAARC was founded in Dhaka.

Q. A car parking charges “n” dollars for the first hour, and “m” pence for every additional hour. What amount it will charge if a car stayed for 5 hours?

(A) n + 5m
(B) n + 4m
(C) m + 4n
(D) m + 5n

Answer: (B) n + 4m

First hour charges = n, remaining 4 hour charges = 4m. Total charges = n + 4m

Q. Function that is used to Re-arrange the data, according to specific criteria is called:

(A) Filtering
(B) Sorting
(C) Organising
(D) Grouping

Answer: (B) Sorting

Q. If 10 % of number is 120, the number is:

(a) 112
(b) 300
(c) 1200
(d) 2400

Answer: (c) 1200

Q. The other name of Masjid-e- Quba is:

(A) Masjid Taqwa
(B) Masjid Bilal
(C) Masjid Nimra
(D) Masjid Ibrahim

Answer: (A) Masjid Taqwa